SolarXBOX  Charger – solar charger for e-bike and e-scooter

We have developed a unique solar charger, whose advantages are:
– you can build SolarXBOX without a public network connection wherever the sun shines, even in hard-to-reach places
– compact dimensions
– quick assembly
– easy handling via paid SMS
– unique design
– renewable energy source
– remote monitoring of production and consumption
– perfect investment with fast return

possibility of 1 hour recharge even more than 10,000 times a year in the EU

We are preparing to present our SolarXBOX product for the first time at the Gitex International Exhibition in Dubai in October 2021 and subsequently at EXPO 2021 also in Dubai.
If you like our product and think that it could be a good investment just for you, write to us and we will be happy to answer your questions and we will be happy to supply you with the SolarXBOX device.

Be one of the first   ?

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GITEX Technology Week